Om Awake AS

Communication agency that is single-heartedly working with sustainable development and inner sustainability. Awake is a purpose-driven agency that works with communicating sustainability. We are on a mission to develop solutions that drive positive change within the three sustainability pillars; people, planet, and profit. Awake is built on the idea of being the change we want to see in the world. We use our talents to do good and we thrive on solving global challenges. With our bold and enthusiastic energy, we create solid communication strategies and forward-thinking ideas for our clients. We believe that the future is bright as long as you can imagine it. Our services: - Strategy and advisory - Ideas and innovation - Communication tool for sustainability - Inner sustainability - Talks - Workshops

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Awake AS, Firmainformasjon

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Awake AS ligger på Edvard Storms gate 2 og kan nås på et av følgende nummer.

452707414527 0741452 70 74145 27 07 41