Om Eidesvik AS

Eidesvik Offshore ASA owns and operates a world-wide fleet of purpose-built vessels, providing services to the offshore supply, subsea and offshore wind market.

Our dedicated crews at sea and on land take great pride in delivering efficient high-quality seamanship, services, and operations to our clients. For decades Eidesvik has also had a clear vision of using as little fossil fuel as possible to minimise our emissions – resulting in a strong reputation as a pioneer in implementing new environmental technologies in both newbuilds and existing fleet.

Eidesvik’s headquarters is located at Bømlo, between the cities of Haugesund and Bergen on the Norwegian west coast.

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  • Eidesvik AS Offshoretjeneste, Bømlo - 1

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Eidesvik AS ligger på Vestvikvegen 1 og kan nås på et av følgende nummer.

534480005344 8000534 48 00053 44 80 00