Om Hagløfs AS

Outdoor equipment - clothing, footwear, backpacks, sleeping bags, accessories.

There are plenty of brands that want to offer the best gear for those who love challenging adventures. Gear and clothing that can handle the wear and tear, that will keep you dry and warm and make the effort worthwhile. This isn’t anything unique for Haglöfs.

But the unique thing about us is that we offer more than that. We want to challenge ourselves to win over even the not-so-easily charmed consumers, the ones that don’t buy into the gorgeous descriptions of the mountains, the forest, and the great beyond. The ones that don’t see the charm in spending time outside in 30 degrees below or pouring rain. The ones that are skeptic and perhaps even anti the whole outdoorsy culture. Let us explain why.

Haglöfs was founded by a man with both visions and dreams. Wiktor Haglöf, son of a forester, was a good old-fashioned carpenter, fully convinced that in order for something to be really good, you had to make it yourself. The outdoor lifestyle a century ago was far from the self-chosen pleasurable pastime it is made up to be today. At least in Wiktor’s world. It was rather a struggle, working in the woods, or long journeys through rough landscapes in harsh weather just to get to school. So Wiktor Haglöf would base his company on the vision of easing the struggle, to improve life for those who had to endure the outdoors, not by choice, but to get by. We think this is solid ground for an outdoor brand. This means that everything we do has purpose, every detail is made to make the outdoor lifestyle a little more enjoyable. When your gear and clothing are designed to be a reliable partner, helping you to get the work done – a shiny surface isn’t worth a thing. Only high-quality crafted goods make the cut.

Our company is built on a strong value-driven foundation; we are reliable, curious and proud. Reliability means that you can rely on your Haglöfs gear to be durable, functional and sustainable. Curiosity comes from constantly evaluating ourselves to become even more innovative and relevant. And pride is about our true passion for everything we do – ensuring you look better, feel better and perform better with your Haglöfs gear. With this, our vision is as obvious and it is true: we want to inspire people to get out there.

It’s important for us to be your partner in the outdoors, even if your outdoor experience is a camping weekend once a year – or if you’re out on polar expeditions. That one camping weekend is just as important; it’s a memory being created there and then.

So this may be where we differ slightly from our competitors in the outdoor industry. It is your expectations on quality, sustainability, function and design that decide if our products will be your outdoor partners. Not just if your adventure is aiming for a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records, but also for those everyday adventures playing in the park with your family. Regardless – it’s you against the elements. That’s why our brand promise is to provide the most reliable outdoor experience for anyone wanting to beat the elements.

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  • Hagløfs AS Klær - Engroshandel, Oslo - 1
  • Hagløfs AS Klær - Engroshandel, Oslo - 2
  • Hagløfs AS Klær - Engroshandel, Oslo - 3
  • Hagløfs AS Klær - Engroshandel, Oslo - 4
  • Hagløfs AS Klær - Engroshandel, Oslo - 5
  • Hagløfs AS Klær - Engroshandel, Oslo - 6
  • Hagløfs AS Klær - Engroshandel, Oslo - 7

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