Om Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri

Situated in beautiful surroundings right next to Lake Vangsvatnet, a short distance from Voss Centre in Hordaland. A place full of tranquility and a scenery that would make most jaws drop. The house itself has a rich history and its owners take great pride in documenting it, as well as Norwegian history in general. This rustic and authentic Inn has a library stacked with literature in both English and Norwegian with tales of Norwegian culture and past.

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  • Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri Hotell, Voss - 1
  • Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri Hotell, Voss - 2
  • Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri Hotell, Voss - 3
  • Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri Hotell, Voss - 4
  • Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri Hotell, Voss - 5
  • Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri Hotell, Voss - 6
  • Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri Hotell, Voss - 7
  • Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri Hotell, Voss - 8

Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri, Firmainformasjon

Offisiell informasjon


Data levert av Proff AS

Lilandtunet Gjestgiveri ligger på Vikjavegen 970 og kan nås på et av følgende nummer.

400801804008 0180400 80 18040 08 01 80