Om Midtveien 19A

OpenSky Consulting is a young consulting company with independent senior consultants all having long experience working in the ICT / Telecom industry, primarily having worked for large mobile operators. We work on executive level and take on strategic assignments within our area of expertise (commercial, technical, operational ...). The company’s main areas of activity are strategic advisory services in the areas of ICT, digitalization and business transformation - and specifically also in the field of mobile communications. We have strong competence and experience in mobile technologies and evolution ever since 2G – and have been looking into technical and business considerations around 5G and IoT for some years already. The company’s other main area of activity is available for any industry horizontally across sectors. We have long experience in the HSSE, risk and sustainability area - and specifically also ethical supply chain management and on climate change.

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Midtveien 19A, Firmainformasjon

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Midtveien 19A ligger på Midtveien 19A og kan nås på et av følgende nummer.

905019059050 1905905 01 90590 50 19 05