What will you do when the lights go out? Power-outages must be short! Nortroll holds the leading position as a preferred developer and provider of equipment and solutions in finding faults fast.

Om firmaet

Upon request we provide:

Sales consultation, requirements, communication i.e.

Project management for new or existing installations.

On site test and measurements.

Assistance with documentation for licensed frequencies.

Installation by nortroll experts.

Project commissioning (site acceptance test).

After sales support.

Remote support.

Service contracts.


Our professional sales engineers will help you find the equipment you need for your network

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  • NORTROLL AS Elektroutstyr, Levanger - 2
  • NORTROLL AS Elektroutstyr, Levanger - 3

NORTROLL AS, Firmainformasjon

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Data levert av Proff AS

NORTROLL AS ligger på Ravns gate 17 og kan nås på et av følgende nummer.

740855007408 5500740 85 50074 08 55 00