Om The Shallow Riverbanks Karlsen

The Shallow Riverbanks are a Norwegian alternative country band from Varteig, in the outskirts of Sarpsborg. The Shallow Riverbanks crafts a narrative-driven, bleak, atmospheric and melancholy mix of country, folk and rock and roll music. Lyrics about personal experiences, local history, broken hearts and dreams, folklore, yearning and a twitch of the Wild West are keywords for the universe that the band presents. The Shallow Riverbanks: Lars-Jørgen Karlsen: Guitar, Vocals, Lyrics. Kristoffer Riis Lunde: Percussions. Bjørnar Olsen: Keys, Organ. Romina Bluebell Reid: Backing Vocals, Chorus. Christer Larsson: Bass, Chorus. Jørgen Dahlback: Guitar

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The Shallow Riverbanks Karlsen, Firmainformasjon

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