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treff 389 bedrifter i dette området
Total Transport Bergen AS
Hjortlandsvegen 1, 5135 Flaktveit
Total Transport driver i hovedsak med bulktransport av kjemikalier og innehar høy fagkompetanse innenfor denne type transport.
Beyond Shipping AS
Damsgårdsveien 165, 5160 Laksevåg
Our vision is to continue raising the standards of freight and marine support services through efficient and highly customer-focused experiences. Our innovative approach to forwarding removes burdensome and time consuming tasks from your workflow, all aided by experienced professionals and state-of-the-art IT solutions.
Grieg Logistics AS
C. Sundts gate 17, 5004 Bergen
Grieg Logistics is a national provider of ships services and industrial terminal operations to oil & gas, shipping, offshore, maritime and general industries. In Norway, Grieg Logistics serves the whole country with a large number of local offices.
Morosaco Shipping Company Ltd Norsk Avdeling av Utenlandsk Foretak Nuf
Allehelgens gate 4, 5016 Bergen
Jangade Shipping Company Ltd Norsk Avdeling av Utenlandsk Foretak Nuf
Allehelgens gate 4, 5016 Bergen
Cosmaris Shipping Company Ltd Norsk Avdeling av Utenlandsk Foretak Nuf
Allehelgens gate 4, 5016 Bergen