budtjenester transport
treff 1228 bedrifter i dette området
Holm Agency AS
he preferred and leading ship agent in the north serving ship owners, charterers and operators based on their individual needs and demands. We provide a wide range of service and supplies in all ports of Norway with our main activity in the north, having Tromsø as our home port.
Hestvika Terminal
Kaiterminalen på Hestvika har 2 fryselager, 2 tørrlastelager, stor plass for utelagring og har dypvannskai. Hestvika terminal har 3 ansatte.
Greencarrier Liner Agency Norway AS
Reliable and sustainable container shipping is the number one thing close toour heart. We are the link between your goods and its final destination.
Beyond Shipping AS
Our vision is to continue raising the standards of freight and marine support services through efficient and highly customer-focused experiences. Our innovative approach to forwarding removes burdensome and time consuming tasks from your workflow, all aided by experienced professionals and state-of-the-art IT solutions.
Ecus AS
Vi på Ecus erbjuder konsultation, rådgivning och administration inom tull & skattefrågor sedan år 2000.Genom skräddarsydda lösningar och personlig service effektiviserar vi våra kunders internationella handel. Ecus AB startades år 2000 i Strömstad, och var ett av de första svenska företagen som kopplades upp mot det norska tulldatasystemet TVINN utan att vara etablerade i Norge. Vi certifierades 2006 enligt Tullverkets Servicetrappa med alla rutiner kvalitetssäkrade.
Sarpsborg Spedisjon AS
Sarpsborg Spedisjon AS er en uavhengig spesialist på tollbehandling og dokumenthåndtering ved import og eksport av varer.