treff 13 bedrifter i dette området
Carrier Refrigeration Norway AS
Built on Willis Carrier’s invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.
Agder Ventilasjon AS
Agder Ventilasjon er Sørlandets største ventilasjonsentreprenør som jobber mot næring og industri. Vi har avdeling i Mandal, Kristiansand, Arendal, Flekkefjord og leverer alt innen fagene ventilasjon/blikk, kjøling/varmepumper/CO2/kjøl/frys og automasjon.
Carrier Refrigeration Norway AS avd Hamar
Built on Willis Carrier’s invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.
Carrier Refrigeration Norway AS
Built on Willis Carrier’s invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.
Carrier Refrigeration Norway AS
Built on Willis Carrier’s invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.
Carrier Refrigeration Norway AS
Built on Willis Carrier’s invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.
Carrier Refrigeration Norway AS avd Tønsberg
Built on Willis Carrier’s invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.
Carrier Refrigeration Norway AS
Built on Willis Carrier’s invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.
Carrier Refrigeration Norway AS
Built on Willis Carrier’s invention of modern air conditioning in 1902, Carrier is the world leader in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. We constantly build upon our history of proven innovation with new products and services that improve global comfort and efficiency.
Våre varmepumer bidrar helt klart til et bedre og sunt inneklima. I tillegg betyr det at både bedrifter og private hjem bruker mindre fosil oppvarming. Samlet sett et godt bidrag til et sunnere klima. Dermed er dere alle med på å bidra til et bedre miljø og en sunnere klode. Hvert bidrag er i seg selv et steg i riktig retning.