treff 73 bedrifter i dette området
Hystorsys AS
Hystorsys AS is a spin-off company from the Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), and focuses on the use of metal hydrides for compression and storage of hydrogen. Hystorsys benefits from more than 40 years experience from IFE concerning the properties, synthesis and behaviour of hydrogen in solid materials the metal hydrides (MH).
John Crane Norge
For over 100 years, we've been your source for optimizing the reliable & continuous performance of mission critical rotating equipment across process industries.
Cryotech AS
Cryotech AS tilbyr tekniske tjenester og salg av prosessutstyr til gassindustrien.Vi er en godkjent lærebedrift i Industrimekanikerfaget og tar et samfunnsansvar ved å løfte fram og utdanne framtidens fagarbeidere.