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treff 340 bedrifter i dette området

Hydrovegen 1604265 Håvik

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Weidemanns gate 83080 Holmestrand

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Flaggnutvegen 156600 Sunndalsøra

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Ørnesveien 38160 Glomfjord

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Håndverkergaten 3A3117 Tønsberg

Vestfold Ships & Industriservice a.s ble etablert i 1985, etter å ha blitt skilt ut fra moderselskapet, Vestfold Auto A/S. Vi er leverandør av utstyr og deler tilOffshoreMarineIndustriAnleggVi tilbyr et bredt og variert produktspekter, bl.a. deler til US Dieselmotorer, Ventiler, Pakninger, Filter, UN emballasje for farlig gods, IATA kanner, Helikopterstropper, Kompressordeler, Forbruksmateriell til renrom, Kule- og rullelager mm.

Egil Hålandsvei 14B3055 Krokstadelva
Orhusveien 103070 Sande I Vestfold