treff 38 bedrifter i dette området
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Bilfinger Norway AS avd Porsgrunn
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Regnbuen Malermesterbedrift AS
PUSSE OPP MUR-/ ELLER TREFASADEN? VI HJELPER DITT BORETTSLAG, SAMEIE OG EIENDOMSBYGG MED FASADEN I OSLO OG VIKEN. Samt maler-og gulvarbeid, flislegger til innvendig oppussing for kjøpesentre, butikker, kontorombygging til trapperom for Brl/Sameier.Yrkesstolthet og erfaring i mer enn 30 år. Hør med oss i dag for hva som trengs og få befaring
Regnbuen Malermesterbedrift AS
Planer om å pusse opp? Vi har i over 20 år utført maler- og gulvarbeid, fasaderehabilitering, mindre totalrenoveringer for næringsbygg, kjøpesentre, butikker, kontorombygging og diverse renoveringsprosjekter i sameier og borettslag. Med andre ord har vi lang erfaring og bred kompetanse. Ta kontakt med vår avdelingsleder Sjur B Hansen for en prat om ditt neste prosjekt.
PEC Elektro Tønsberg AS
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PEC Elektro Tønsberg ble etablert i 1995. Vi har over 25 års erfaring og er klar for nye oppdrag. Ta gjerne kontakt for en gratis befaring.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Kristiansand
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Bamble
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Rjukan
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Øvre Årdal
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Høyanger
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Karmøy
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Holmestrand
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Sunndal
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Glomfjord
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Rotor Tools AS
Leverandør av roterende verktøy og spesialutstyr til norsk industri. Vi leverer utstyr til blant annet bearbeiding av stålrør, ventilaktuatorer, portabelt verktøy til maskinering av flenser og portable fresemaskiner.