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maler naustdal

treff 53 bedrifter i dette området

Øraveien 21630 Gamle Fredrikstad

Bedriften finnes i Gamle Fredrikstad men tar imot kunder fra Naustdal.

Paintings that tell stories! I wish for people to experience colors they haven't seen before. I aim for my art to touch someone's core, influence ways of thinking and give a voice to the silenced. My paintings are inspired by people’s untold stories, portraying aspects of human relations and emotions. I wish to capture this moment in time, and a breath of true life in todays society.

Granden 196856 Sogndal

Bedriften finnes i Sogndal men tar imot kunder fra Naustdal.

Hus - hytter -nybygg- tilbygg - rehabilitering.

Øvre Grimsethmarka 146817 Naustdal