marine utstyr
treff 23 bedrifter i dette området
Føn Energy Services Norway AS
Føn Energy Services is an independent service provider to the energy sector - focusing primarily on onshore and offshore wind. With solid industrial backing from The IKM Group and Akastor (majority owned by the Aker group) Føn is industrializing and digitizing the industry.
PP Viken AS
Med mange års erfaring har PP Viken AS spesialisert seg på tungt løfteutstyr for onshore og offshore operasjoner, og leverer topp kvalitetsutstyr til fartøy, oljerigger, kraner og mer.
Berg Marine Consulting AS
Vi er forhandler av FLAK båtutstyr, Garmin marinenavigasjon og elektronikk fra Maskinteknisk.
Hovem AS
Hovem as, established in March 2020, provides engineering work on location or remotely. Knut Hovem has worked with oil and gas wells for nearly 30 years. He is actively working as completion engineer, delivering subsea wells for independent operators, and is currently based in Norway.