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treff 18 bedrifter i dette området

Kvernevik Ring 1774048 Hafrsfjord

OBAR AS was formed in 2006 with the aim of being a reliable and trustworthy Service Company & Design House within the Oil and Gas Industry.Our expertise is within Automated Monitoring & Measurement Technologies, Completion Methodology and usage of Smart Well Technology.

Neptunvegen 32B7036 Trondheim

PowerTest tilbyr on/offline testing/tilstandskontroll av høyspenningsanlegg for alle spenningsnivå: Transformator/gjennomføringer - Kabler/kabelmuffer - Koblingsanlegg- konvensjonelle og gassisolerte - Apparatanlegg - Overspenningsavledere. Vi tilbyr også utstyr for salg med opplæring og support

16000 Barkers Point Lane Suite 120 Houston 77079 Texas
16000 Barkers Point Lane Suite 120 Houston 77079 Texas