offshore ventiler
treff 36 bedrifter i dette området
Bilfinger Norway AS avd Porsgrunn
Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.
Mokveld Norge AS
Mokveld leverer gass-, olje- og vannindustrien med ekspertvitenskap og avanserte konstruerte ventilsystemer for kritisk kontroll og sikkerhetsapplikasjoner.

Mokveld provides the gas and oil industry with expert knowledge and advanced engineered valve systems for critical control and safety applications.
Bagges AS
BAGGES AS er en produksjons- og handelsbedrift som leverer industriprodukter som er tilpasset deg som kunde. Vi leverer Ventiler, Slangepumper, Pakninger, Termisk isolasjon, Passiv brannbeskyttelse, Elektrisk isolasjon, Filterduker og Teknisk plast.
Teknotherm Marine AS
Teknotherm has a history dating back to 1926 as a designer, contractor and manufacturer of high quality refrigeration systems. Our strategy today is to be the preferred supplier of HVAC- and refrigeration systems for marine and offshore installations.
Teknotherm Marine AS avd Bergen
Teknotherm has the capability to be your total supplier of refrigeration and HVAC systems.
Teknotherm Marine AS avd Tromsø
Teknotherm has the capability to be your total supplier of refrigeration and HVAC systems.
Teknotherm Marine AS avd Oslo
Teknotherm has the capability to be your total supplier of refrigeration and HVAC systems.
Teknotherm Marine AS avd Ålesund
Teknotherm has the capability to be your total supplier of refrigeration and HVAC systems.
Slipeteknikk AS
Slipeteknikk AS er et mekanisk verksted på Laksevåg i Bergen. Vi startet opp i 2003, og har spesialområder som…• Plansliping• Lapping / polering, lysbuemåling av overflateretthet• Mekaniske tetninger (Gate / Seat)• Rundsliping• Plansliping av motortopper
Rånås Lakk AS
Rånås Lakk AS (tidligere Rånås Lakk- og Sandblåsingsverksted etablert 1995) ble etablert av Ronny Granberg i mai 2012. Vi startet med oppdrag for jordbruk og transport- næringen og har utviklet oss til å bli en lojal samarbeidspartner for mekanisk industri, utstyrsleverandører til on- og offshorevirksomheter, varme- og ventilasjonsfirmaer, transportnæringen og byggebransjen.
TP-Products AS
TP-Products are manufacturing highly complex mechanical components for the most demanding clients in a multitude of markets, and is also offering a product portfolio of tailor made compact connectors and subsea valves, stabs and jumpers. TP-Products’ internal value chain comprises everything from design, engineering and innovation, to manufacturing and testing of its products, all done in-house at our modern facilities in Drammen, Norway.