treff 1613 bedrifter i dette området
Seadrill Europe Management AS
Seadrill is a leading offshore harsh environment drilling company, aiming to be our customers' most important partner in making oil and gas available in a safe and cost-effective manner.
Repsol Norge AS
Repsol er ett av verdens ledende integrerte olje- og gasselskap og organisasjonen har drevet virksomhet i Norge siden 2003.
Hovem AS
Hovem as, established in March 2020, provides engineering work on location or remotely. Knut Hovem has worked with oil and gas wells for nearly 30 years. He is actively working as completion engineer, delivering subsea wells for independent operators, and is currently based in Norway.
Sinomine Specialty Fluids Limited
Sinomine Specialty Fluids is the world’s leading supplier of cesium formate fluids to the oil and gas industry.
Expro Norway AS
Expro’s mission is well flow management. We provide services and products that measure, improve, control and process flow from high-value oil and gas wells, from exploration and appraisal through to mature field production optimisation and enhancement.
Vår Energi Asa avd Oslo
Vår Energi representerer en ny generasjon operatører på norsk sokkel. Vi opererer olje- og gassproduksjon over hele sokkelen, med felt i Barentshavet, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen. Vi vil fortsette å lete, utvikle og produsere ressurser og reserver fra lisensene våre.
Dolphin Drilling Offshore AS
International drilling contractor operating in the mid and ultra deep water segment. Provides exploration and production services to the offshore oil and gas industry building on 160 years experience in shipping and 50 years in offshore drilling. #nl#With a strong culture for continuous improvement and teamwork we have a proud team delivering top HSE- and operational performance to our clients.
Expro Norway AS avd Haugesund
Expro’s mission is well flow management. We provide services and products that measure, improve, control and process flow from high-value oil and gas wells, from exploration and appraisal through to mature field production optimisation and enhancement.