prosess design
treff 9 bedrifter i dette området
Ilf Consulting Engineers Norway AS
The ILF Group is an international engineering and consulting firm that helps its clients successfully execute technically demanding industrial and infrastructure projects.
Svaberg Arkitektur og Plan AS
Svaberg Arkitektur og Plan AS utfører arkitekttjenester fra liten til stor skala. Eksempler er alle typer boliger, fritidsboliger, skoler for barne- og ungdomstrinn, kunstgalleri, barnehager, omsorgsboliger, kontor- og næringsbygg, laboratorier, lege- og tannlegekontor, kirkebygg, hotell og pasienthotell.
PG Flow Solutions AS
Through proprietary solutions, unrivalled system integration experience, innovative approach and engineering competence, PG Flow Solutions provide our customers with significant time and cost savings through tailoring flow solutions that suit their specific requirements.
Pure Salmon Technology As
Since 2010, Pure Salmon Technology has delivered RAS facilities along the Norwegian coastline. From small and medium sized plants to some of the world’s largest smolt facilities. Satisfied clients include global leaders in salmon farming such as MOWI, SalMar and Lerøy. We take it as a compliment that clients return to us for further RAS plants. Our advanced RAS solutions will be the foundation for all upcoming Pure Salmon RAS facilities, deployed globally.