treff 4 bedrifter i dette området
Howco Metals Management
Material solutions for subsea wellhead to topsides, downhole and surface drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention equipment. Today, Howco is the leading global distributor of raw material for wellhead and completion equipment to the Oil and Gas industry. We have achieved this position by developing a strategic approach that differentiates us from conventionally organized service centers and offers our customers significant competitive advantage.
Longum Stål
Longum Stål utfører stålgjenvinning og salg av både nytt og brukt stål. Vi har lang erfaring innen bransjen, og er kjent for rask service.
Alumeco Norge AS
Alumeco tilbyr løsninger innen aluminium, kobber, messing, bronse og rustfritt stål til alle bransjer som bruker metaller.
Bergen Stål Bruktjern AS
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