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treff 546 bedrifter i dette området

Røldalsvegen 25750 Odda

Vilhelm Ravn AS er en skipsmeglerforretning med basisvirksomhet i klarering av skip til og fra de store industribedriftene i Odda og Tyssedal, utstedelse og behandling av fraktdokumenter, elektroniske fortollingstjenester. Vi er en serviceinstitusjon for næringsliv, skip og mannskap i Odda / Tyssedal. Vilhelm Ravn AS ble etablert i 1919 og er fra 01.01.94 videreført Vilhelm Ravn AS.

Terminalgata 589019 Tromsø

he preferred and leading ship agent in the north serving ship owners, charterers and operators based on their individual needs and demands. We provide a wide range of service and supplies in all ports of Norway with our main activity in the north, having Tromsø as our home port.

Haakon VIIs gate 10161 Oslo

Ness, Risan & Partners AS is an independent and privately owned investment firm. Our clients include family offices, private investors, investment companies, foundations, trusts and institutional investors. NRP offers direct investment and fund solutions within the real estate, shipping and offshore sectors.