shipping nesodden
treff 823 bedrifter i dette området
Höegh Autoliners AS
Höegh Autoliners is a global leader in Ro/Ro (Roll On/Roll Off) deep sea transportation services.
CMA CGM Scandinavia AS
CMA CGM is the third largest container shipping company in the world. Founded in Marseille in 1978 by Jacques Saadé. The CMA CGM Group is present in more than 160 countries through its network of over 400 offices, 750 warehouses, 160.000 employees and a wide fleet of 620 vessels. CMA CGM serves 420 of the world’s 521 commercial ports and operates more than 250 shipping lines. CMA CGM Scandinavia in Norway have 19 employees serving the Norwegian market and its customers.
UECC (United European Car Carriers AS)
The leading provider of short sea roro transportation in Europe.
Seaway 7 AS
We support developers to bring sustainable, renewable energy to the world through the construction of fixed offshore wind farms.
Miljøbudet AS
Miljøbudet AS betjener kunder i hele Stor-Oslo området. Ingen kunde er for liten, og ingen er i utgangspunktet for stor.Miljøbudet ble for første gang stiftet i 1995 som et rent sykkelbudfirma, og har siden den gang opparbeidet seg et godt rykte i bransjen. Oslos gater blir mer og mer nedstøvet ettersom bilparken vokser.