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telekommunikasjon stavanger

treff 66 bedrifter i dette området

Auglendsdalen 794017 Stavanger

5 (1)

Stavanger Installasjon AS er en erfaren totalleverandør av sterk- og svakstrømsinstallasjoner.

Jåttåvågveien 74020 Stavanger

Tampnet operates the largest offshore high-capacity communication network in the world. Serving Oil & Gas Platforms, FPSOs, rigs, Wind farms and vessels in the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean, we enable digitalization with LTE, NB-IoT, LEO and secure private network solutions.Tampnet Carrier transmits over 30% of data traffic to the Nordics. Our unique route alternatives access new, carbon-neutral data centers in the Nordics, meeting the capacity and latency demands of the future.

Breiflåtveien 184017 Stavanger
Djupadalstunet 14046 Hafrsfjord